Over the course of the last week and a half I logged 120 + hours of work and consumed more fast food than I would like to think about — movie theatre pizza included. But now one more film festival is checked off my list and we’ll see if there are any more in store for me in the future. Whatever happens with me and the festival, I’m glad to have met some really excellent filmmakers and people.
With the festival over I’ve been tackling projects that fell to the wayside, such as knitting for my second job and taking care of myself. Nightly walks are back in style and so are wonderful dinners.
For real. I’m geeking out about food lately. Proof below.
Heidi Swanson of 101cookbooks.com is a person whose recipes Regan and I live by. We made these amazing Sprouted Garbonzo Burgers topped with Nayonaise, sprouts, and avocado and paired them with baked sweet potato fries. They are from her cookbook Super Natural Cooking, which I’d highly recommend for anyone who likes awesome recipes and a good a read. We haven’t had a bad recipe yet, and everything turns out really… pretty? I can’t help taking pictures of my dinner when it looks this good.
We also finally harvested our brussels sprouts, which might be the most satisfying thing we’ve ever pulled from our garden. I have never had to work so hard to grow something nor been so incredibly satisfied by something I’ve grown. Rubbed with olive oil and seared for about 5 minutes they kind of taste like butter, which is awesome. I’m pretty sure that this method of making them is based on a Heidi Swanson recipe as well.
Oh, and that lump behind the brussels sprouts? It’s Lemony Quinoa with Butternut Squash from Fat Free Vegan Kitchen. This is the first recipe we’ve tried from that site, but it pretty much confirmed the sheer awesomeness that is that collection of recipes. I will be returning.
In addition to geeking out about food and feeling like a normal human being again, we’ve been chilling with the dog. He’s a happy camper now that we’re all back together as a family. It was too much work for him trying to herd us when I wasn’t at home.
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