Normally I’m the kind of girl who likes a free-form, no-knead bread. I usually have the time to mix some yeast, flour, water and salt together and throw it in the oven. Sometimes I’ll take a little more time and make braided Challah bread, but I never make anything resembling something you might find at the grocery on the shelf.
However, lately Regan and I have been on a peanut butter and jelly kick. It’s quick, portable and cheap. And it’s pretty comforting. But in our book PB&J can only be perfect if it’s on a standard slice of bread. So this weekend, now that I’ve recovered the use of my right arm after my pretty awesome bike accident two weeks ago, I decided to take a slow Sunday and make some real loaves of bread for our inevitable PB&J consumption this coming week.
I found this simple whole wheat bread recipe on and it’s pretty much perfect. Regan and I were quick to share a slice fresh out of the oven before running errands and when we came home the scent of fresh baked bread lingered in the air, making our house smell just like it should this time of year. Fresh baked bread and fall just go together.
We have two small, fresh loaves for the week ahead and the dough for two more waiting in the freezer. With the annual Film Festival approaching rapidly I feel like my life is spinning out of control, but this weekend I managed to reclaim a little sanity one loaf of bread at a time.
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