Category: DIY
Leather Cuff
Lately, summer catalogs with richly printed dresses, bangles and bold accessories have been grabbing my attention. While flipping through these catalogs, I’ve been dreaming of making one of the dresses. But since big projects like that intimidate me, I decided to try making a bold leather cuff instead. Materials: * These instructions and materials will…
Lavender Sachets
We have moths. Or, more specifically, we had moths. Over the winter holidays, I found holes in my favorite shirts, little nibbles taken from my merino wools and cashmere. I mended what I could, but my best efforts couldn’t save my wardrobe. And so I went on a cleaning rampage. At the new year I…
Liberty Print Refashion
I grew up wearing a steady stream of old clothing — but not the vintage kind. My dad was (and still is) a camp director and we lived on property. Each summer hundreds of campers would leave behind towels, tennis shoes, t-shirts and shorts. All of their unclaimed belongings made their way into my dresser…