Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Sweet Salsa Verde
This weekend, upon finding our fridge full of tomatillos, we decided to make a treat and indulge in some chips, salsa and margaritas. These foods are the stuff that weekend nights in summer are made for. Even though we didn’t have any chips on hand, we decided to give home-made baked corn chips a try.…
Strawberry Bourbon Sidecar
After our adventures on the Bourbon Trail last month, we went on a bit of a bourbon kick. Encouraged by some friends who successfully infused strawberry, mango and raspberry bourbons, Regan and I decided to infuse some of our own. We used a pint of sliced organic strawberries and 750 ml of Jim Bean Bourbon…
Goodwill Restyle
While searching through the dresses at Goodwill this winter I found a dress that, while tragic, seemed like it could potentially be salvaged by implementing a few creative modifications. After bringing it home I tried to figure out what said modifications could be. And then I thought about it some more. Sadly, I never had…
Tricolore Salad Pizza
The fall after I graduated from IU my friend and I packed our bags and moved to Virginia to start fresh. She was attending grad school and I just wanted to take a break from life. After four years of studying hard, working hard and interning hard, along with always having been the hyper-responsible oldest…
Brie and Tomato Pasta
I grew up with busy parents who had an eat to live mentality, not live to eat. Our cabinets were full of whole grains and dried fruits. Our fridge always had fixings for sandwiches and multiple jars of pickles (really. so many pickles.). There weren’t ever really snacks or sweets in the house, except for…
Chocolate Banoffee Pie
Years ago I stumbled across a recipe for Chocolate Banoffee Pie. It seems it’s not a well-known American recipe, but it should be. It’s a personal favorite of mine, and judging by the expressions of happiness my friends uttered at a recent get-together, it might be a new favorite of some other folks. It certainly wasn’t…
Like Water and Chocolate
Since we last had chocolate mousse, I’ve wondered how easy it might be to make. When I saw this amazing recipe floating around in multiple places online last week I needed to try it. Immediately. I had 10 minutes free to devote to whipping and all I really needed in addition was some chocolate so…
Watermelon, watermelon, watermelon
As the daughter of a camp director, my summers revolved around summer camp from ages 1 to 18. The best of those long summer days were spent at Camp Miller in Sturgeon Lake, MN. Each Friday all the campers would gather outside for lunch at the “Chuck Wagon.” Hamburgers or Sloppy Joes were served along…
New Look Skirt 6899
There is nothing consistent about my wardrobe. I don’t really own a certain style and I certainly don’t own a specific size. I have skirts, pants and shorts ranging in sizes from 2 to 10. They all fit so it’s not a matter of my fluctuating body – it’s a matter of fluctuating sizes within…
The Bourbon Trail
There might be nothing I like better than dark warehouses filled with story upon story of bourbon barrels, but I had no idea this was the case until I explored some of the distilleries along the Bourbon Trail. With dirt floors, cobwebs and an absence of light, these warehouses feel like mine shafts. Stepping inside…
Got any book recommendations?