Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Shaker Vacation
Regan and I slipped away to Kentucky this weekend and discovered the simplicity of the Shakers. Tucked away in the rolling hills of Harrodsburg, KY is the historic Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill. I don’t see eye to eye on the Shaker’s religious views, but I do love their simplicity and their industry. With their…
Process Over Product
I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m a perpetual learner. Unless I have a strict education in something I feel ill at ease when approaching it. In college, before interviewing for a job at a stained glass studio, I took a private lesson with a stained glass dabbler so that I could familiarize myself with…
Kale Chips: The Ultimate Snack
Sometimes our refrigerator gets so full of greens we run out of enticing ways to use them all. Currently we have two heads of broccoli, one lb. of asparagus, two bags of mixed greens, seven green peppers, two heads of chard, snap peas and a garden that will be producing out of control in about…
New Look Tank Pattern 6895
I often find myself in sewing ruts, wanting so much to make something, but failing to find the courage to get started. In order to get myself out of said rut, I usually buy some fabric. Mind you, this doesn’t mean that I will actually go home and start sewing right away. More often than…
How Does Your Garden Grow?
It’s the Fourth of July Weekend and it is hot out. It’s humid, sticky and still. Luckily there is reprieve to be found in our shaded backyard. Of all the places to spend time in our home during summer, I choose the front porch. But when the front porch is too hot to bear, I…
Knowing our Food
Driving past an elementary school in my neighborhood this evening I saw raised garden beds filled with corn, tomatoes, peppers and greens of every kind. These beds were spread throughout the playground, butting up to the monkey bars and swing sets. The gardens and play equipment seemed to be the perfect intermingling of entertainment and…
Watching our Garden Grow
As I watch our garden grow I’m getting more and more excited to eat that first batch of vegetables straight from the earth. I’ve nibbled on some cress and a tiny lettuce leaf here and there, but so far we haven’t harvested anything. We always plant a little late and so the abundant salads we…
Coconut Milk Curry
Today we got a new oven and it is cause for rejoicing. For the past four years we’ve used one that is older than we know, more than 100 degrees off and terribly terribly ugly. But a new oven was a luxury, and so we pushed the want aside and made do just fine. But…
Painted Plywood Floors
Last week we embarked on refinishing our kitchen floor. This week I’m happy to say that the end is in sight. As soon as we sand and repaint the woodwork, and put down new trim, we’ll be set to officially close the book on this experience and find something else in our home to tackle.…
Got any book recommendations?