Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Vogue 8280 Muslin
Last summer my cousin got married and the night before attending the ceremony I realized I had nothing to wear. In a momentary fit of insanity, caused by my pitiful wardrobe, I decided to make a dress. But I wanted to be smart about it. I wanted to make a muslin first. And then the…
In the Kitchen
When I was young my family lived in a brick farmhouse built in the 1800s. Of all the rooms in that house, I have more memories that take place in the kitchen than in any other room. I would stand at our Hoosier cabinet and sift flour for my mom when she baked. I’d curl…
Creative Retreat
Friends are the good stuff in life. One of my best friends from college and I don’t see each other very often, but thanks to email we are able to bounce ideas off of one another all the time. We send therapy notes to one another debating the meaning of what we do day-to-day. We…
Spaghetti al Limone
There are moments when I think I’d like to be shaped like a supermodel. But then I step into a kitchen, any kitchen, and suddenly the thought of being plump is much more enticing. Pasta dishes have become an increasing obsession for me these days. I blame PBS. As Regan and I were watching television…
Fix the Mix
This weekend the sun came out, and with it came warmth. It’s finally turning into the season during which the two of us pretend like we’re farmers and spend the days outside trying to work the land we have. Working the land involves weeding, landscaping, mulching, a bit of vegetable gardening and composting. There is…
My hands are calloused. My fingers feel arthritic. This past week I’ve spent all my evenings at home, feverishly working on a freelance knitting project. And it feels so good to now have a bundle of finished products before me. This pile of seemingly rough, rigid fiber will soon be transformed into something with an…
Devil’s Food Cupcakes
Heading into Monday I decided some cupcakes for my co-workers were in order. This weekend the rest of my co-workers wrapped up the leadership retreat that I attended at the beginning of the year. Perhaps each of them had a remarkable experience, but just in case their experiences felt anything like mine, they are going…
Print Shop
I love fabric. I’ve spent hours at my computer screen drooling over fabrics I will never have. Those featured at True Up make me feel light-headed. Anna Maria Horner fabrics make my heart swell. Sometimes my dreams are colored by Echino prints and patterns. Sadly, all the amazing fabric I find is out of my…
Big League
I’m only halfway finished with the project I started this weekend, but what I can tell you about it right now is that the by-product of this crafting is giving me a serious craving for some Big League Chew. More to come…
Growing up at a summer camp it seems I spent each summer striving to be like a counselor; the one who best embodied what I thought I wanted to be at that point in time. In the early 90s, following the lead of my counselor Seri, I spent a lot of time trying to look…
Got any book recommendations?