Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
I love what sunshine does to my world. Friday I could hardly work I was so distracted by the warmth and sunlight. In fact, I started planning a cookout instead of writing curriculum. After work Regan whipped out his shorts and flip-flops and started the grill. We made burgers, had friends over and sipped rosemary-infused…
Because things have gotten a bit too busy for crafting lately, I’m digging up an old project to share. Regan’s Rooster Shirt. As I mentioned a few posts ago, I don’t make a lot of things for Regan. I have a box full of half-finished projects I’ve started over the past seven years and a…
We Celebrate with Cake
We have a lot to celebrate. Jack’s fourth birthday is today. Regan wrapped up his last day of work with his former employer on Friday and started a brand new gig today. It was forty degrees out this weekend and our grey and icy world finally began to thaw. Plus it’s Valentine’s Day. While we…
A Burst of Color
Oh, Midwest winter, you are getting the best of me. I’m starting to run out of ways to remind myself that there is light at the end of the tunnel; that spring is on its way. This is what remains of the ball of fiber that got me through this cold and icy week. Between…
We have things. Lots and lots of things. And as we’ve gotten older and made more money, purchased a home and gotten steady jobs to support all these things, we’ve realized that simply having these things is exhausting. Little by little we are trying to live a better life with less. It’s liberating most of…
Christmas Crafting: Part 3
That’s right, it is February 4 and I’m just now getting around to sharing Part Three of my Christmas crafting tales. Some projects just take more time than others, especially projects for Regan. I’ve always had trouble completing projects for him in a timely and secretive fashion. We spend so much time together in our…
Our Little Jungle
About 16 years ago my family was driving along a stretch of Minnesota highway that was under construction. Swaths of great evergreens were cut down and a normally vibrant landscape was reduced to stumps and loose soil. It was overwhelmingly grey and lifeless. Noting the absence of trees my five-year-old sister began to gasp for…
Toaster Oven Magic
In the midst of our Sunday baking yesterday I turned to fill the preheated oven with a pan full of little breakfast kolaches. Sitting in their glass pan perfectly rounded and puffed beautifully, I was so eager to smell the scent of baking dough fill our house. Sadly, when I opened the oven door no…
Not According to Plan
This past spring I posted about a skirt I’d drafted and sewn using the wondrous instructions of Cal Patch in her book, Design-it-Yourself Clothes: Patternmaking Simplified. With excitement and somewhat misguided confidence I said I was next going to take on drafting a shirt. And I did! But I never told you all about it.…
Amanda Blake Soule posts a photo each Friday that captures a moment from the week that she wants to savor. When I looked up at my breakfast this morning I felt like I needed to participate in “This Moment.” It sums up a lot of what I do and what I dream of rather nicely.
Got any book recommendations?