Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
My Slow Dance with a Stranger
I’ve been away a while. Now I’m back and I have a story to tell. Let’s start the story here. Growing up at a summer camp I never took the leap and became a full-time counselor. My time alone is precious and I suppose I’ve always been selfish with it. That said, I still spent…
New Year
I’m not really one for resolutions, but I do love new beginnings. Whether the beginning of the day, the workweek, the weekend or the beginning of the year, I find myself making lists and preparing for what is ahead. This weekend I found myself not only preparing to head back to work after a two-week…
Christmas Crafting: Part 2
I love winter for the abundance of rosy cheeks, warm drinks and knitted goods. This year I haven’t been up to much knitting and instead have turned my attention to sewing, but for some reason this winter I’m hard to find without a ball of yarn in my lap. Maybe it’s the portability of each…
Christmas Crafting: Part 1
This year we had a really lovely time getting gifts together for everyone. I’m so lucky to have a family who appreciates handcrafted goods. I was also really lucky to have found a really terrific pattern that helped me get the bulk of my gifting together for my mom, sister and mother-in-law. Shannon over at…
Pantones and Paper Samples
I love paper and stationery sets, ink and type faces, envelopes with addresses stamped on just right. I can pour over books and web sites devoted to original designs for invitations of all kinds for hours. It seems then that I’d be a frequent letter sender, and embrace searching for and mailing the perfect Christmas…
Family Stockings
After many years of celebrating Christmas together, last year Regan and I decided it was time to make stockings for our little family. Some friends of ours saw those stockings and mentioned they might like something for their growing family. Nearly a year later, I finally got around to making that happen. These are made…
Weekend Snow
While the Northern part of our state is expecting 16 -20 inches through tomorrow, our snowfall pales in comparison. That said, we still took today to pretend like we were snowed in. Warm meals, secret Christmas crafting, gift wrapping and holiday lights — this was the way we rocked the weekend. After a weekend full…
Small Projects
Big projects are making me sweat. Lately I’m just not in the mood to mess up and so I find myself fitting in small projects here and there to try to build my confidence. Two years ago I picked up a chair at a neighbor’s yard sale. It was pretty perfect except the seat needed…
As I was growing up my grandma, grandpa and I exchanged homemade gifts – from stuffed bears made by Grandma to custom tables built to my dream measurements by Grandpa, it became our little tradition. As I got older that special gift-giving kind of faded away, but in the last few years I’ve begun making…
December 1
Last night we decorated the house for Christmas and this morning we woke to flurries and chill. We followed a brisk walk in the park at sunrise with a breakfast of hot coffee and steel cut oats. I kept my ceramic mug filled with tea all day and worked happily away with Sufjan Stevens Christmas…
Got any book recommendations?