Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Baby Booties
So, do you know what kinds of projects highlight imperfections? Small projects. And do you know what requires primarily small projects? Babies. They are freakishly small. Babies, it seems, are everywhere these days. They are sweet and floppy and all that good stuff so it’s fun to make tiny gifts for them, but as I…
Damask Pattern Maxi Skirt
Lately I’ve pretty much reached project capacity as I juggle things for multiple clients. While in the midst of wrapping up the details of the t h e n t i c a u spring 2013 NY show, I’ve also been writing up a cool 1.2 million in grant proposals. And I’m not complaining at…
Zucchini Noodles
I loath zucchini. Or rather, I should say I always had and thought I always would loath it, but that’s no longer the case. My aversion to its slimy texture and lackluster flavor has been reversed by simply sauteing my former vegetable enemy. Suddenly I’ve discovered I actually am harboring some love for zucchini. Regan…
Ghost Tank
My little sister is a summer camp counselor. I admire anyone who can do that sort of work, but in this record-breaking heat I admire it even more. Sadly, though, I’ve been a delinquent older sister and haven’t even sent her a letter this summer. So this week I tried to make up for my…
Strawberry-Topped Pavlova
My grandma and grandpa used to have a narrow strip of garden that bridged the gap between their front yard and the cornfield that butted up to it. In it I’m sure they grew all kinds of vegetables and fruits, but all I remember were the strawberries. It’s hard to say whether this strip was…
Strawberry Bourbon Shrub
There’s nothing like drinking something sweet and fizzy on a hot summer day. And so I’d like to recommend sipping on a shrub this weekend. Shrubs are drinking vinegars and seem to be gaining renewed attention and popularity since the rise of the refrigerator caused their original downfall. I’ve been reading about them for a…
A Hammock and a Yoga Mat
A few weeks ago I celebrated my 31st birthday. It was no milestone and normally would be worth no mention at all, except my gifts — a hammock and a yoga mat — caused me to think about how much my life has changed in the last year. Nine months ago I was working at…
Coconut Nutella Frozen Yogurt
This summer is a hot one and the studio where I work is not well air-conditioned. This is fine. The beads of sweat that form on my brow while I write emails make me feel like I’m doing something much greater than sitting. It’s when I’m standing, cutting leather in the 3 pm sun that…
Free Day
Occasionally I get lucky enough to be so ahead on grant proposals that I have no other choice but to put down my computer and take a day for me. I’m still learning how to shut off that part of my brain that needs to keep busy with work-related tasks during the week. Slowly I’m…
Coffee Sack Window Box Liner
A few years ago we tried to make our tiny garage look less like an afterthought and more like part of our yard. I made curtains, hung terracotta pots and planted flowers in a window box with a coconut fiber liner. Then the squirrels promptly took over. They churned up the soil and all the…
Got any book recommendations?