Tag: Baking

  • Creative Retreat

    Friends are the good stuff in life. One of my best friends from college and I don’t see each other very often, but thanks to email we are able to bounce ideas off of one another all the time. We send therapy notes to one another debating the meaning of what we do day-to-day. We…

  • Devil’s Food Cupcakes

    Heading into Monday I decided some cupcakes for my co-workers were in order. This weekend the rest of my co-workers wrapped up the leadership retreat that I attended at the beginning of the year. Perhaps each of them had a remarkable experience, but just in case their experiences felt anything like mine, they are going…

  • Toaster Oven Magic

    In the midst of our Sunday baking yesterday I turned to fill the preheated oven with a pan full of little breakfast kolaches. Sitting in their glass pan perfectly rounded and puffed beautifully, I was so eager to smell the scent of baking dough fill our house. Sadly, when I opened the oven door no…

  • New Year

    I’m not really one for resolutions, but I do love new beginnings. Whether the beginning of the day, the workweek, the weekend or the beginning of the year, I find myself making lists and preparing for what is ahead. This weekend I found myself not only preparing to head back to work after a two-week…

  • I’m Back

    October was fully consumed with our 19th annual Film Festival. It was a great 10 days. The High School Film Competition Award winners rocked the experience in a huge way and their families were amazing. Our Institute Workshop actually came together, thanks the cooperation of some amazing filmmakers. Over the course of two weeks, I…

  • The Sweet Life

    It’s not the taste of sweets so much that I adore, it’s really their beauty that makes me drool. I’ve been sneaking peeks at too many baking blogs lately — you know, the ones that highlight a treat a day with photographs of pastries stacked on glass plates, cookies sitting next to cool glasses of…

  • A Bit on Bread and Other Things

    In first grade we had to submit our favorite recipe to be included in the classroom cookbook as a gift for Mother’s Day. I submitted Challah Bread and for the next 18 years the only bread I made was Challah. It has always been my mom’s go-to bread for holidays. It has been mine for…

  • Cake. Yes, Cake.

    Lately I have realized my complete inability to resist a tempting cake recipe. Maybe it’s because winter and soup season are over and I’m forced to find other recipes in order to occupy myself in the kitchen. Or maybe it’s because they are just so very lovely. This recipe is based on Ysolda’s delicious Gingerbread…