Tag: indianapolis arts center
Metalsmithing: Part 3
I have no projects to show for the past few months, unless you’d like to read some grants (not recommended). Those have been successful, but things around the house haven’t. The temperature and humidity have changed so much that my DIY Shampoo is creating some serious scalp confusion. Our beautiful and promising garden rebounded after…
Metalsmithing: Part 2
These past few weeks have been busy so I’ve been quiet. But behind the scenes I’ve been breaking finger nails, slicing open fingertips and experiencing all those little wounds that make me feel as though I’ve truly worked. There have been lots of little commissioned sewing and knitting projects. Lots of clothing production in the…
The summer of 2000 I had my first office job. Just out of my freshman year of college I thought I needed to join the real workforce. And upon enlisting I immediately regretted it. All I took away from that summer were hours in the copy room, data entry and the fear of making blind…