Tag: Jack
The hot hot summer heat has got us in its fiery grip, but that hasn’t stopped us from enjoying summer like we should. Mint Juleps to keep us cool. Fresh salad from the garden makes every meal special. Fresh berries on everything from breakfast to dinner makes Jack jealous. Creating a pie a week has…
Starting Over
Standard processes are something I’m not good at following. I always try, but I always get ahead of myself. Instead, I tend to think I can find a better way — one that doesn’t involve following instructions. And for some reason I try to jump in at an experience level that is beyond me. Why…
Ahoy, Matey!
I squealed out loud and clapped my hands when I read our neighborhood newsletter and learned 200 tons (TONS!) of sand were going to be dumped in our park so that sand artists could build a pirate ship. Regan, Jack and I have watched the progress on our nightly walks over the last month and now…
Manly Men
Sometimes I go to Goodwill with hopes of finding some fabulous fabric. Sometimes I throw down $0.99 when I’ve found the perfect one. Let’s check out a close up. Lot’s of mountain men enjoying nature as one should — half naked and wearing coy expressions. It’s currently a pillowcase (a single pillowcase made of this fabric…
The Joy of Photo Booth
Photo Booth is the perfect tool for capturing Jack’s frustration at having to live with two completely unreasonable people. Poor animal…