Tag: misc
Long Weekend
As a reward for all the long hours worked over the past few weeks, management gave staff a four day weekend. Regan took these days off with me and together we had a bang-up time. We decided to throw a Halloween party. We don’t often throw parties because each time we have people over I…
House Vacation
This year for our anniversary we decided to take an extended Labor Day weekend, splurge on a few nice meals out (Shalimar, Siam Square), eat all the ice cream we could ever want, and enjoy being at home. Each morning we chose whatever adventure sounded best for the day. This took the form of reading…
Ahoy, Matey!
I squealed out loud and clapped my hands when I read our neighborhood newsletter and learned 200 tons (TONS!) of sand were going to be dumped in our park so that sand artists could build a pirate ship. Regan, Jack and I have watched the progress on our nightly walks over the last month and now…
Waging the Battle
I used to have daydreams about which town would claim me. As a twelve-year-old who hoped to someday see her name in lights, I envisioned signs welcoming visitors to Small Town, IN or Small Town, MN with: WELCOME TO (whatever city claims me) Population 5,000 Home of Claire Ellen My upbringing was split between these…