Tag: sewing

  • Goodwill Restyle

    While searching through the dresses at Goodwill this winter I found a dress that, while tragic, seemed like it could potentially be salvaged by implementing a few creative modifications. After bringing it home I tried to figure out what said modifications could be. And then I thought about it some more. Sadly, I never had…

  • New Look Skirt 6899

    There is nothing consistent about my wardrobe. I don’t really own a certain style and I certainly don’t own a specific size. I have skirts, pants and shorts ranging in sizes from 2 to 10. They all fit so it’s not a matter of my fluctuating body – it’s a matter of fluctuating sizes within…

  • Process Over Product

    I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m a perpetual learner. Unless I have a strict education in something I feel ill at ease when approaching it. In college, before interviewing for a job at a stained glass studio, I took a private lesson with a stained glass dabbler so that I could familiarize myself with…

  • Amy Butler’s Fringed Hobo Bag

    I’m not fond of sewing instructions and so if I can find a way around using a pattern I will. But I realize I can’t avoid things I dislike forever so last week I decided to make a real deal bag from a pattern. Sadly, well after cutting all the pieces and begining to put…

  • A Beautiful Mess

    This week I’m taking a break from work. Luckily part of my pay seems to be supplemented by a generous vacation policy and so each spring I find myself taking a week to stay at home alone and make things. It’s lovely that I have this luxury. Unfortunately, leading up to vacation I spend so…

  • Vogue 8280 Muslin

    Last summer my cousin got married and the night before attending the ceremony I realized I had nothing to wear. In a momentary fit of insanity, caused by my pitiful wardrobe, I decided to make a dress. But I wanted to be smart about it. I wanted to make a muslin first. And then the…

  • Not According to Plan

    This past spring I posted about a skirt I’d drafted and sewn using the wondrous instructions of Cal Patch in her book, Design-it-Yourself Clothes: Patternmaking Simplified. With excitement and somewhat misguided confidence I said I was next going to take on drafting a shirt. And I did! But I never told you all about it.…

  • Pantones and Paper Samples

    I love paper and stationery sets, ink and type faces, envelopes with addresses stamped on just right. I can pour over books and web sites devoted to original designs for invitations of all kinds for hours. It seems then that I’d be a frequent letter sender, and embrace searching for and mailing the perfect Christmas…

  • Family Stockings

    After many years of celebrating Christmas together, last year Regan and I decided it was time to make stockings for our little family. Some friends of ours saw those stockings and mentioned they might like something for their growing family. Nearly a year later, I finally got around to making that happen. These are made…

  • Notions

    As I was growing up my grandma, grandpa and I exchanged homemade gifts – from stuffed bears made by Grandma to custom tables built to my dream measurements by Grandpa, it became our little tradition. As I got older that special gift-giving kind of faded away, but in the last few years I’ve begun making…